Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Virtuosity, the ways of a genius!

Brunelleschi was a true genius. He built a dome that towered over Florence, a dome that many had tried and failed to build before him. What drove Brunelleschi to even consider trying to buildthe dome? Virtuosity drove him to build the dome. Brunelleschi was an artist and the most puzzeling building in the whole of Italy was the dome. It was to large to be built with the current knowledge and people couldn't see into the future. But they didn't need to look into the future to build this dome, the answer was in the past. The romans where great architects and wrote down there great feats, but the information was lost and the people couldn't build the dome. Brunelleschi studied there buildings though and learned many things. He knew how to build amazing buildings, adn one amazing building waiting to be finished had the dome on it. Brunelleshi knew he had the virtuosity to build the dome and when he was finally given a try to build the dome. Yes, he took risks, he had courage and he was a creative, after all the style hadn't been used since the roman times. But what gave Brunelleschi the possibility to do all this, his viruosity.

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