Sunday, January 30, 2011

Learning profile

1. I learn best when......
I learn best when i am sitting halfway back on the right side of the room. It will help if the there is a lot of kinesthetic stuff in the lesson. I like to my my hands because it helps me process information.

2. I need to .....
To move my body a lot because i am a kinesthetic learning. I need to especially move my hands. This means that in class it would help me to doodle or knit.

3. The strategies that would help me in my learning....
  • Sitting halfway back
  • Doing lazy 8's or similar things
  • Balanced amount of music, movement ad interpersonal/intrapersonal skills.

4. I would like my teachers to know this about me.....
That I am a very kinesthetic learner so I want to be able to move a lot. I also really need to move my hands so I want to move my hands in class because it helps me process information. I would also prefer to sit a close to the back of the room because I am most comfortable there.

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