Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence part 2

Aboriginals, white, Australians, today I wish to address our history. The history of this country which belongs to both aboriginals and white people. The relationship between these two cultures has changed over time. First it was built on curiosity, then it was built on joy and then for a long time it was built on war because of misunderstandings. But 142 years ago the white Australians started to systematically steal the half-caste children from the aboriginals. These kids stolen to learn how to be maids and assistants to the white Australians! Aboriginal families where torn apart because some people saw them as a lesser culture. This ethnocentric view in itself is horrible but when you see it being put into use to slowly breed out all aboriginal blood in Australia you feel disgusted to be a white person. I apologize to each mother who lost a child, I apologize to each child who lost a mother, I apologize to each family that was torn apart, I apologize to the Aboriginals of Australia.

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