Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo was a true renaissance man. The renaissance was all about exploring new ideas in science, literature, art, math, invention and sculpturing. One man would be brilliant if they where an expert in one feild, Leonardo da Vinci was an expert in art, sculpturing, invention and science! He was a genious. He is today one of the most known people for his brilliant art, extrodinary inventions and his great breakthroughs in science. If it wasn't for Leonardo we wouldn't be able to enjoy the Mona Lisa and be able to use some great inventions invented. Leonardo truly was a renaissance man.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Virtuosity, the ways of a genius!

Brunelleschi was a true genius. He built a dome that towered over Florence, a dome that many had tried and failed to build before him. What drove Brunelleschi to even consider trying to buildthe dome? Virtuosity drove him to build the dome. Brunelleschi was an artist and the most puzzeling building in the whole of Italy was the dome. It was to large to be built with the current knowledge and people couldn't see into the future. But they didn't need to look into the future to build this dome, the answer was in the past. The romans where great architects and wrote down there great feats, but the information was lost and the people couldn't build the dome. Brunelleschi studied there buildings though and learned many things. He knew how to build amazing buildings, adn one amazing building waiting to be finished had the dome on it. Brunelleshi knew he had the virtuosity to build the dome and when he was finally given a try to build the dome. Yes, he took risks, he had courage and he was a creative, after all the style hadn't been used since the roman times. But what gave Brunelleschi the possibility to do all this, his viruosity.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

Ideas come from moments. From moments of great thinking, also known as imagination. Even if someone thinks for ten years about an idea the idea will form at a burst of imagination. But you also must be questioning. You have to question why something is happening. Why do we do it this way? Why don't we do it this way...BAM and you get a burst of imagination. You continue working on this idea and you develop it into a final invention. Ideas are a mix of great imagination, questioning and background knowledge.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Favorite short story

My favorite short story from the ones we read was "Lamb to the Slaughter". I loved the whole idea of the story and not getting to know why he was leaving her. My favorite part was when she hit him over the head with the lamb. The end was kind of creepy when she was giggling at the whole story. "Lamb to the slaughter" was the most interesting of the stories...

Monday, May 31, 2010

I believe

I believe in music. I believe that the soft touch on a keyboard or a slam on some drums can make a difference. I believe that music is the best therapy for a person's feelings. I believe that music is appreciated by everyone of any age.

I remember when I was younger that I wasn't too interested in music. Yes, I liked music, I would listen to it now and then, but I wouldn't sit and listen to music if I could do other things. Then I got an iPod for Christmas. The iPod was always in my ear, always blasting me with music at night. I loved listening to music. I realized that the music really changed my mood. While one song made me feel rebellious, another song would make me start jumping with joy. Some songs just made me happy and I liked the tune for some reason. One song in particular stood out to me. It was Crazy by Aerosmith. When I felt angry, unfairly treated and even sad it was able to calm me, make me feel happy. It's the sort of song that just makes you feel great. I would always wait for this one line in the song and it was just so wonderful. Whenever I heard the line I would be happy.

I believe that everyone's taste in music is different. I myself, if asked, can't answer the question of what group of music I fall into. Music is so different for each artist that I like bands and artists not types of music. Until very recently I would always insult new types of songs and say that rock was better even though deep inside I thought some of the songs where catchy. Then my mom said something to me, "Write one of those songs for me". Of course I couldn't and learned that all songs are different and even though they don't benefit my music taste they benefit others' music taste. Music has the power to calm, rebel, bring together and make someone happy. That is why I believe music.

I chose the image because it describes my belief in music. A rainbow of music is flowing through the darkness of normal life giving it life and happiness. There are different colors for the different artists music. The notes are casting out to everyone giving joy to those that don't have a lot of music. The image shows what I believe in music.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

1066 game (http://y8.com/games/1066)

The game was about reinacting the 3 main battles fought in the year 1066(when three different people wanted to be kings of England). I enjoyed the game because it let you control all three teams. you had full control and could make shield walls, boarsnouts, you could outflank them and fire arrows at them it. It felt good when you one and you actually had to think about what to do.
The game also tought about the time period and what critical decisions Leaders needed to do. In the game you needed to decide to either charge the enemy or wait in a shield wall. The 3 leaders would probably also have to do those decisions. I also learned how the battle field changed the fighting. For example at the battle of Hastings there was a big hill so my arrows couldn't reach them but theres could reach me. I had to run up and down to get them to follow them. Then i could kill them. William of Normandy did the same at the battle of Hastings to fiunally grab the throne of England. That is why this was a very useful game. I could compare my strategies to the actuall strategies. I could test it and see it in actions which is much more fun than a textbook.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The horrible side of acceptance

What are the consequences of ' just accepting the situation in which you find yourself [so] everything will be so much easier'?(Boyne 53)Bruno's father to Bruno.

When I read this question I thought, “I want to answer this question”. This is represented so much in WW2 and it was an interesting topic. You se a lot of it in The boy in the striped pajamas. The father accepts Hitler’s views and is willing to kill thousands of Jews for false accusations. This is the first consequence. Since they accepted this he was able to make it feel right to kill a certain group of people, leading to an almost extermination of all Jews in Europe. If he hadn’t accepted he might have been able to get more people to agree and then 6 million Jews would have been saved. The mother would have been able to save her family the pain and save her self from depression if she hadn’t accepted from the start. She changed to late. Gretel could have saved her mother from depression if she hadn’t accepted Hitler’s ways and then started supporting him. Kotler could be living with his father in Switzerland if he hadn’t accepted the Nazi’s and joined them.

Rose Blanche also shows signs of acceptance that led to horrible deaths. If the city hadn’t accepted Hitler then the people hadn’t accepted and then the Russians wouldn’t have come and ruined their lives. Because they accepted also the Jews lives where ruined in the concentration camps. It’s not a good idea to accept if in the end everyone’s hurt.

Because everyone accepted many people lost their lives. If they hadn’t accepted John Boyne’s book would be about there greatness, if they hadn’t accepted this text would be about their bravery, not there acceptance.