Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence part 2

Aboriginals, white, Australians, today I wish to address our history. The history of this country which belongs to both aboriginals and white people. The relationship between these two cultures has changed over time. First it was built on curiosity, then it was built on joy and then for a long time it was built on war because of misunderstandings. But 142 years ago the white Australians started to systematically steal the half-caste children from the aboriginals. These kids stolen to learn how to be maids and assistants to the white Australians! Aboriginal families where torn apart because some people saw them as a lesser culture. This ethnocentric view in itself is horrible but when you see it being put into use to slowly breed out all aboriginal blood in Australia you feel disgusted to be a white person. I apologize to each mother who lost a child, I apologize to each child who lost a mother, I apologize to each family that was torn apart, I apologize to the Aboriginals of Australia.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Is Molly a hero?

Yes I think that she is a hero to the aboriginals sent to camps like hers. Molly stood up for what she thought was right, in the movie she talks about how it is a bad place and it makes her sick. So she decides to leave. For other aboriginals this is heroic because they where being oppressed at the time. She is also a hero for her sister who she saves. Sadly her cousin did not want to come and this can be seen as a non heroic act.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Learning profile

1. I learn best when......
I learn best when i am sitting halfway back on the right side of the room. It will help if the there is a lot of kinesthetic stuff in the lesson. I like to my my hands because it helps me process information.

2. I need to .....
To move my body a lot because i am a kinesthetic learning. I need to especially move my hands. This means that in class it would help me to doodle or knit.

3. The strategies that would help me in my learning....
  • Sitting halfway back
  • Doing lazy 8's or similar things
  • Balanced amount of music, movement ad interpersonal/intrapersonal skills.

4. I would like my teachers to know this about me.....
That I am a very kinesthetic learner so I want to be able to move a lot. I also really need to move my hands so I want to move my hands in class because it helps me process information. I would also prefer to sit a close to the back of the room because I am most comfortable there.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo was a true renaissance man. The renaissance was all about exploring new ideas in science, literature, art, math, invention and sculpturing. One man would be brilliant if they where an expert in one feild, Leonardo da Vinci was an expert in art, sculpturing, invention and science! He was a genious. He is today one of the most known people for his brilliant art, extrodinary inventions and his great breakthroughs in science. If it wasn't for Leonardo we wouldn't be able to enjoy the Mona Lisa and be able to use some great inventions invented. Leonardo truly was a renaissance man.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Virtuosity, the ways of a genius!

Brunelleschi was a true genius. He built a dome that towered over Florence, a dome that many had tried and failed to build before him. What drove Brunelleschi to even consider trying to buildthe dome? Virtuosity drove him to build the dome. Brunelleschi was an artist and the most puzzeling building in the whole of Italy was the dome. It was to large to be built with the current knowledge and people couldn't see into the future. But they didn't need to look into the future to build this dome, the answer was in the past. The romans where great architects and wrote down there great feats, but the information was lost and the people couldn't build the dome. Brunelleschi studied there buildings though and learned many things. He knew how to build amazing buildings, adn one amazing building waiting to be finished had the dome on it. Brunelleshi knew he had the virtuosity to build the dome and when he was finally given a try to build the dome. Yes, he took risks, he had courage and he was a creative, after all the style hadn't been used since the roman times. But what gave Brunelleschi the possibility to do all this, his viruosity.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

Ideas come from moments. From moments of great thinking, also known as imagination. Even if someone thinks for ten years about an idea the idea will form at a burst of imagination. But you also must be questioning. You have to question why something is happening. Why do we do it this way? Why don't we do it this way...BAM and you get a burst of imagination. You continue working on this idea and you develop it into a final invention. Ideas are a mix of great imagination, questioning and background knowledge.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Favorite short story

My favorite short story from the ones we read was "Lamb to the Slaughter". I loved the whole idea of the story and not getting to know why he was leaving her. My favorite part was when she hit him over the head with the lamb. The end was kind of creepy when she was giggling at the whole story. "Lamb to the slaughter" was the most interesting of the stories...